End of an era
After almost 15 years at the presidency of ALPARC, Dr. Michael Vogel has retired. We want to take once more the opportunity to express our deep gratitude for the great job he has done over all these years. Without Michael, ALPARC wouldn’t be what it is today. In the time of his presidency many structural issues of ALPARC had to be decided and finally concluded with the creation of a distinctive legal identity: the ALPARC association - an international organisation gathering potentially all the managed protected areas of the Alps. In the last 15 years ALPARC has structured its thematic topics and developed some mainstream activities such as the Alpine ecological network, new ways of regional development in protected areas regions and numerous projects in the field of environmental education.
Michael will be still active for ALPARC as an honorary president and for some specific missions.
The last ALPARC council meeting in Southern Tyrol (Italy) proceeded to the renewal of the ALPARC Board. The new elected President of ALPARC is Dr. Peter Oggier, 53 years old, Director of the Pfyn-Finges Nature Park in the Swiss Valais since 2004. His Park has been a member of ALPARC for several years and Peter has been active on the ALPARC council since 2013. ALPARC has also a new Secretary General – Dr. Roland Baier, new Director of the Berchtesgaden National Park (Bavaria, Germany) and together with the already elected Treasurer Mag. Peter Rupitsch (Hohe Tauern National Park, Carinthia, Austria), the Vice President Christian Schwoehrer (ASTERS, France) and the President of the Prealpe Giulie Nature Park (Italy) Andrea Bertrame, the ALPARC Board is now complete.
The ALPARC board is currently working on new strategies to create stronger links between such activities and to ensure more direct services for the members on a regional level. Discussions with the Alpine Convention, the competent partners of the Alpine macro-regional approach and different national and regional Alpine authorities in the field of nature protection, spatial planning and economy are ongoing and will lead to a well-balanced programme of activities for the next years in the spirit of the ALPARC slogan “Together for the Alps”.
Guido Plassmann
Director ALPARC
News from the network ALPARC
The Berchtesgaden National Park will be hosting the 23rd Danilo Re Memorial in 2018!
From January 25th to 28th 2018, the event will take place in the “Haus der Berge”, Berchtesgaden, Germany...(...)
A short video to illustrate the importance of cooperation between the Alps and the Carpathians via the flat Danube river plains
Curious to know what happened to our friends the ibex, the bearded vulture and the fish?...(...)
International Forum Immenstadt (D), 28 September 2017, 9.30am – 4pm (7pm)
The conservation, restoration and creation of ecological connectivity are key elements in European and international nature protection policies. Stakeholders from... (...)
Hundreds of young people met across the Alps and the Carpathians, all engaging in a great adventure spending one day and one night in the mountains.
The third edition of “Youth at the Top”...(...)
The YOUrALPS summer school carried the flag of empowering teachers and educators in order to start the test phase of pilot actions in the winter semester 2017/18. New pedagogical approaches, practical excursions and participatory activities provided...(...)
In the frame of the WeWild project, ALPARC aims at developing a joint Alps-wide communication strategy and several joint communication tools that will help reduce the impact of snow sports on wildlife in the Alps. ALPARC wants to gather protected areas...(...)
As a first result of the ALPBIONET2030 project, a report on the state of the art of current mitigation and mediation strategies in mountain areas...(...)
News from the protected areas
GaYA Encourages Youth Participation in Local - Urban and Rural - Politics
How can young people become more involved in local political processes? How can local politicians, their municipalities and the young...(...)
News from the Alps
Whenever legendary figures are scrambling out of book pages, folk songs are springing to life, you are savouring your grandmother’s favourite recipes, travel reports are enticing you to go on a walking tour, forests get to dance, rocks are trembling...(...)
International news
In June 2017 a core group of hikers departed from Vienna and have been travelling through several destinations all over the Alps on a journey of 120 days that will lead them to Nice at the end of September...(...)
23rd Danilo Re Memorial 2018, 25-28/01/2018
Reading Mountains Festival, 11/12/2017
International Symposium for Research in Protected Areas – 6th edition, 2-3/11/2017
CIPRA Annual Conference: “Alpine spheres: natural limits, infinite possibilities”, 29-30/09/2017
4th edition of the Alpine Convention’s Young Academics Award, 31/05/2018
During the last ALPARC council meeting on June 29th-30th, Dr. Peter Oggier, Director of the Pfyn-Finges Nature Park was elected as the new Alparc president. He succeeds Dr. Michael Vogel...(...)
Alpine Publications |
Wilderei im rätischen Dreiländereck - Bracconaggio nel triangolo retico
Natur und Landschaft - Zeitschrift für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege 9/10 2017
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ALPARC - Alpine Network of Protected Areas 256, rue de la République F-73000 Chambéry Tél : +33(0)4 79 26 55 00 Fax : +33(0)4 79 26 55 01 www.alparc.org